Pest Management in Organic Production

Pest management can be a daunting task. There are several ways to control pests or deter them. One of which is called Integrated Pest Management or IPM. Using beneficial bugs such as ladybugs that will eat the larvae and suppress white flies is a good option. I have always had an abundance of ladybugs that just show up, but if need be they can be purchased and then applied to your garden. Another option is called companion planting. The fundamentals are planting produce along with a row of marigolds that will deter certain pests.
Hanging yellow bottles with a light mineral oil sprayed or rubbed on the outside making it sticky may help in a small garden, but in larger food plots is very labor intensive. I opted to use these yellow plastic boxes that I found and sprayed them with light vegetable oil and staked them in the crop rows.

Sticky Trap

Sticky Trap

Encouraging nature to assist with your pest problems is another avenue to take. By encouraging natural predators to help keep rabbit and rodent populations down placing perches for owls, hawks and other predator birds to consider your garden home will help close the circle of your symbiotic life cycle.

We all contribute something

We all contribute something